Abstract:Aiming at solving the theoretical gaps driven by new times and conditions, firstly, this paper further analyzes and defines the connotation of multidimensional meaning innovation in Chinese context.Then, we try to reveal the mechanism of evolution & feedback of the multidimensional innovation meaning in the process of knowledge collaboration, and propose the corresponding system model and integration framework, in order to provide a new perspective for better guiding multi-dimensional meaning innovation and controlling significant risks of innovation.
杨坤, 桂宁潇, 胡斌. 面向多维意义创新的知识协同:系统模型与整合框架[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(10): 47-55.
Yang kun, Gui Ningxiao, Hu bin. Knowledge Collaboration Oriented to Multidimensional Meaning Innovation: System Model and Integration Framework. , 2020(10): 47-55.
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