Abstract:In recent years,the UAVs industry has developed rapidly.The application of UAVs in the civil field has become increasingly widespread,which has facilitated people's production and life.However,UAVs can also infringe upon citizens' rights.The UAVs with camera function can track individuals,collect and store specific information,drone collection and flight data can be synchronized to the drone cloud,which poses a great threat to privacy.The existing privacy protection system in China has limitations in regulating the invasion of privacy by drones and needs improvement.In order to protect citizens' right to privacy,China can learn from the United States,the European Union,Canada in regulating the experience of drones infringing privacy rights,clearly stipulating the principle of drones infringing privacy rights,and clarifying the main bodies of relevant laws or regulatory documents.The operating specifications should be followed to protect the privacy of citizens while promoting the development of the UAV industry.
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